Contact US

For B2B client: If you are a bulk supplier and plan to distribute your product to the Chinese market,Ecofarm can provide you with many resources from China and we would be happy to discuss this with you further.
For B2C client: If you are a small-sized or a medium-sized brand and wish to expand your business into China, Ecofarm can provide you with a complete solution from strategy to implementation.
For Potential Partners: If you are an upstream and downstream service provider and are considering working with us, please share your information below. We will contact you as soon as possible.
  • First Floor, 19 Wellington Street, Howick, Auckland, New Zealand 2014Phone: (+64) 92716789
  • Email:

  • Room 527 Xingguangyao Square, 1888 Caoyang Rd, Putuo, Shanghai, China

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